Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of December 2014. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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AR: Arkansas man gets 90 years for failing to appear, register as a sex offender
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FL: UPDATED 3/5/25 Putnam County Sheriff’s Office: ‘Cesspool of sex offenders’ cleared out of local trailer park
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Happy New Year to Janice, her helpers and everyone else that is here to support getting our constitutional rights back. I think we had a good year of getting some positive changes in laws and attitudes due to the efforts of California RSOL. I have great hope that 2015 will be another good year for more positive changes for Registered Citizens and their families.
Anyone interested in California RC issues may want to check out: California Coalition on Sexual Offending. ( Back in 2008, they recommended doing away with residency restrictions.
(CCOSO used to have a link for tracking pending RSO-related legislation, but I wasn’t able to find it just now.)
OMG! Here’s one for the books! I was sitting at Starbucks and a cop that knows I’m a 290 walked by and asked if I was checking out the “scenery”. I guess he meant the girls going in and out. At the same time a guy pulled up, left 3 small children inside a running car, one in a car seat, and went inside. The kid locked the door and started raving the motor. The cop seemed to care more about my business than those children’s safety! I pointed this out. Other people noticed too and he left me and went inside. Hassling me was more important to him than public and child safety! What the f^^k is happening?
By the way, I was convicted of a 311.11, no lewd act and no contact crime. The cop has probably done way worse things, just not convicted! At what point does stupid demand action. Come on guys, let’s get some class actions going and clean up this mess they call a legal system.
A correction. They banned me from THAT facility. The DSS said if the Employer would write a letter to the state standing up for my integrity, they would waive the ban, but of course no one would take that chance. I feel abandoned by a system I worked so hard to support.
I would love to know how many police officers have patted themselves on the back for arresting somebody of a sex crime (let’s say nude photos of a minor) when they themselves had sex with a minor when they were over 18. 18-22 year olds having sexual relationships with minors aren’t all that unusual. It was happening all the time when I was in high school and I’m sure it’s no different now. I wonder how many police officers worry about their sex offense coming back to haunt them later in life. Since SO’s are forced to take sexual history polygraphs by the thousands…why not require those seeking a career in law enforcement to take a sexual history polygraph? Then require them to take a sexual history polygraph every 5 years. I bet this concept wouldn’t go over so well with many in law enforcement…just my guess. Just months before I was arrested for having 3 underage webcam videos on my computer (mixed among thousands of legal) a police officer that lived just blocks from me was arrested for providing alcohol to minors and having sex with several of them (males).